5. Submitting your assignment

Submitting your assignment.

Assignment submission varies from subject to subject, and assignment to assignment.

Exclamation mark icon Important

Always check your Subject Outline in Brightspace to find out how your assignment should be submitted.

Submitting online

Online submission of assignments is through EASTS. You can find out more about submitting your assignment online.

For detailed information on how to submit and troubleshooting tips check out the EASTS submission user guide.

Having problems?  Check out the What should I do if I am unable to submit through EASTS? FAQ

Submitting by post

Mail your assignments to the postal address specified in your Subject Outline.

Keep in mind that your assignment must be received by the due date. The due date is not the date you need to post it by. You will need to allow sufficient postage time.

It is recommended that you use registered postage for all assignments.

Submitting in person

You can submit your assignment in person by:

  • giving your assignment directly to your lecturer during class
  • handing it in at the school office
  • placing it in your school’s assignment box.

Assignments placed in the Assignments Boxes are collected at 5pm daily. Assignments not in the Assignment Box at 5pm will be marked as late.

Still got questions about submitting your assignment?  Check out the information on the How do I submit my assignment? FAQ

Exclamation mark icon Important

Always keep a copy of your assignment regardless of your submission method.

Submitting assignments through Turnitin?

If your subject coordinator has instructed you to submit your assignment using Turnitin. Determine:

  • If your subject coordinator is requesting you to check your assignment yourself through Turnitin before submission.
  • You’re being asked to submit it to Turnitin as your submission.

To submit as the submission, you’ll need to discuss this with your subject coordinator and/or check your subject site and outline for more detail.

To check your assignment before submission, see the following information:

  1. Enrol in the appropriate Brightspace organisation site. See the Check my Assignment in Turnitin guide.
  2. Once enrolled, click on Check My assignment in the enrolled site.
  3. Click upload submission.
  4. Browse for your file.
  5. Click upload and review.
  6. Click Submit to Turnitin.


Occasionally the upload and review buttons can be obscured due to a zoom display issue. To resolve this, in your browser settings change your view to fullscreen or change the zoom to 90%.


Idea icon

Visit Check my Assignment for further information about submitting through Turnitin.


Exclamation mark icon Confirmation of submission

After your assignment is successfully submitted, a link to your digital receipt will be displayed on the screen. The digital receipt has a Submission ID number, which is confirmation that Turnitin has received your paper.

If you don’t see a digital receipt with a Submission ID number, then your paper was not successfully received by Turnitin.

The digital receipt is not emailed to you.

Once you have submitted your file you may need to click refresh more than once and wait a short time for the results to be returned. Once returned click on the similarity number presented to view the report.

Troubleshooting Turnitin

  • Unspecified error: You may receive an unspecified error if the browser you’re using is in private/incognito mode. Turnitin essentially forgets key details from page to page when in private/incognito mode. If you try again using a normal window this should resolve itself.
  • Submit button not showing: Occasionally the upload and review buttons can be obscured due to a zoom display issue. To resolve this, in your browser settings change your view to full screen or change the zoom to 90%.


Having problems with Turnitin?  Check the ASK Charles Sturt (FAQ) for more information.

Similarity report

What is a similarity report?

After submitting your assignment to Turnitin the content will be checked against documents that can be found on or archived from the internet and a similarity report will be produced. Content that has been matched with other documents, or on other websites, will be highlighted so your tutor can check the content in your assignment.

Your lecturer may set it to allow you to be able to view the Similarity report on your assignment.

Idea iconNeed more help?  Contact Student Central.


ePortfolio (PebblePad)

What is PebblePad?

PebblePad is a reflective learning tool. It can be used to help you reflect on your learning journey, collate evidence of your learning and self assess as well as showcase your skills.

Computer mouse iconFor more information watch the video PebblePad or read Getting started with Pebblepad.


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Digital Skills: Assignment Essentials Copyright © 2024 by Charles Sturt University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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