5. AI at Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University Research Initiatives
The Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Futures Institute has details on research areas and opportunities for students and researchers.
Referencing GAITs has been incorporated into Charles Sturt’s APA Referencing Summary and Academic Referencing Tool (ART). The Academic Skills team provides assistance with referencing and you can make an appointment or ask a question on their Study Success Forum.
Checking references found by AI
Information generated by AI may be unreliable or fake. See if citations are legitimate by checking:
- If the Journal or Book title exists in Primo or TROVE
- If the volume issue number and dates correspond
- If the page numbers and article or chapter title correspond
If yes to all of the above, then the reference might be useful, but before you use or cite any source you should read it and evaluate the information yourself using the CRAP test.
For more information read Matthew Hillier’s article on TECHE blog; Why does ChatGPT generate fake references?.
External to Charles Sturt University
Free online courses
The elements of AI is a free online course for everyone interested in learning what AI is, what is possible (and not possible) with AI, and how it affects our lives – with no complicated maths or programming required.
Teaching AI ethics: The series – Leon Furze covers nine topic areas: bias and discrimination, environmental concerns, truth and academic integrity, copyright, privacy, datafication, emotional recognition, human labour and power.