2. Collaboration tools

There are many great online tools that can help you collaborate on assignments and projects.

Check the privacy settings of any tool that you use so that you have some control over the availability of your data. Try to lock access so that only your group can see any activity.


Email is the most common form of communication used at university and in the workplace.

At Charles Sturt the school account email address of username@student.csu.edu.au is not a functioning mailbox, and is used solely to gain access to your free Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus account.

For email communication at Charles Sturt students should use their preferred personal email address.

Discussion tools

Several Charles Sturt courses use discussion boards to allow students to collaborate with other students and staff members by posting or answering questions. This is a form of active learning that allows students to learn from different perspectives.

Platform Format General help and tutorials Charles Sturt-specific information
Brightspace discussion forum Brightspace Help – for staff

Brightspace Support – for students

Padlet collaborative bulletin board Padlet Help Centre Padlet -for staff

Padlet – Quick Guide

Mentimeter group feedback Mentimeter Help Centre Mentimeter – for staff

Messaging platforms

Instant messaging platforms facilitate quick and effective communication between members. Some platforms allow you to share and store files so that you can refer to them at any time.

Platform Help and Tutorials Charles Sturt-specific information
Microsoft Teams Sign in and get started with Teams Microsoft Teams – staff
Slack Slack help center
Messenger Messenger Help Centre
WhatsApp WhatsApp Help Center
WeChat WeChat Help Center

Collaborative documents

Collaborative documents allow multiple members to work simultaneously on a single document. This facilitates easy brainstorming sessions and an easy division of work as the document gets updated in real-time and provides details on the collaborator.

Platform Help and Tutorials Charles Sturt-specific information
OneDrive OneDrive help & learning Microsoft Office 365
Google Drive Google Drive Help
Canva Getting Started with Canva

Online meetings and videoconferencing

Virtual meetings are the new norm in a post-COVID world. At Charles Sturt your online lectures and classes will be delivered via a range of technology. You can access recorded lectures using CSU Replay; attend classes delivered on other campuses using videoconferencing technology; and use Zoom for live online classes, meetings or workshops.

Platform Help and Tutorials Charles Sturt-specific information
Zoom Zoom support Zoom video conferencing
Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams help & learning
Google Meet Google Meet training and help

Tools to schedule team meetings

It can be tricky to find a common time to have your team meetings. Here are some tools that can help you schedule a team meeting at a convenient time for all team members.

Tool Format Help and Tutorials
When2meet Add preferred times into calendar About When2meet
Doodle Poll Group polling to assess availability Get started with Doodle
Calendly Interactive customised calendar Getting started with Calendly

Tools for team tasks

These tools can help you perform group tasks.

Tool Format Help and Tutorials
Trello Project organisation Getting started with Trello
Tricider Group decision making Tricider demo [YouTube, 1m27s]
Reasons.io Argument mapping Getting Started with Reasons.io


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Digital Skills: Professional Identity and Skills Copyright © 2023 by Charles Sturt University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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