8. Writing and referencing tools

Writing is an essential activity for most university students. Which writing tool you choose will depend on a range of factors including:

  • Individual or group work — some tools allow you to work collaboratively, while some are better for individual work.
  • Basic or advanced function —  if you are writing a complex or technical document you may require advanced word processing functions.
  • Availability of training —  the availability of in-person training and online help varies between writing tools.

Written assessments will often require you to reference appropriately. Referencing can be time consuming and difficult to manage. Referencing software can make referencing easier.


Looking for help with your assignment?

Cost Icon
Free Free tools are completely free to use with all features.
Freeware Freeware basic functionality included for free. May include paid additional features.
open source Open source tools are developed in a collaborative manner, are free to use and can be used, modified or shared openly.
paid tool Paid tools can only be used after purchasing, and agreeing to, a product licence.

Writing tools

Tool Summary Help and tutorials Cost
Microsoft Word Microsoft’s word processing software, widely used in workplaces. Word help & learning paid toolFree for Charles Sturt students and staff
Google Docs Web-based, word processing software. Users can collaborate simultaneously. Free basic plan available with a Google account. Google Docs Editors Help Freeware
Writer (LibreOffice) Free, downloadable, word processing software. LibreOffice Help open source

Referencing software

Tool Summary Help and tutorials Cost
EndNote Reference management software that can be installed on your computer or used online. Download citations direct from databases. Use the Cite While You Write add-in to insert references into Word documents. Support and training for EndNote is provided by Charles Sturt Library.

EndNote Library Guide

Clarivate EndNote Support

paid toolFree for Charles Sturt staff and students
Mendeley Reference management software that can be installed on your computer or used online. Build a profile to connect with other researchers. Free basic plan available. Mendeley Support Center Freeware
Zotero Open source reference management software that can be installed on your computer or used online. Free basic plan available. Zotero Support open source

Write, cite and submit has more information on referencing, including an overview of the main features of EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero.


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