Accessibility module overview

Approximately 30 minutes

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)

Knowledge and skills you  gain from this module will contribute to your Charles Sturt University Digital Literacies GLO

This module is part of Digital Skills a series of online modules to help you quickly build your digital skills so you can succeed in study and work.

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Aims and objectives

This module will:

  • introduce you to the concepts of accessibility and universal design
  • show you how to create accessible content.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the importance of accessibility online
  • create accessible content.

Module sections

  1. What is accessibility?
  2. Being accessible
  3. Create accessible web content
  4. Create accessible social media, documents and presentations
  5. Study hacks
  6. Check your knowledge
  7. Additional resources
  8. Accessibility and Inclusion at Charles Sturt University
  9. Conclusion


This chapter is adapted from Module overview in Accessibility by The University of Queensland Library.


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